The 100 day project is finished
I can’t believe I made it to 100 days. My inspiration or theme didn’t change - it was a bridge and aqueduct in Wales, a sculpture on Nottingham University Campus and the power station just outside Nottingham, hence my instagram hashtag of #bridgesculpturepower.
Now I need something else to make me continue doing art every day. I am working on a theme of natural vs man made - how I love being in nature, particularly sitting in my garden but we need the man made structures to keep our daily life going.
The 100 day project update
Day 28 and 29 - I started with two separate pages but they became a double page spread. Tried new paint colours - manganese blue hue, muted green and cobalt green.
My first post
I have been wanting to start a blog as a studio diary and a record of my working. Finally I have done it.
This is my studio diary - to record my ideas, experiments and developments